Sunday, February 20, 2011


I was listening to the senoir senator from SC today and boy wht a mess this country is in. Nobody believes in truth of what is right and wrong.  It is all a matter of "poitical correctness". People focus so much on what is the "right thing to say rather than what is right." Rather than admitting that what is happening in Wisconson is inappropriate, he hides behind political campaign promises. What the senator did is exeecebats the weakness of democracy based on the will of the majority. It assumes that the MAJORITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT.  What a scary thought. It assumes that the majority is well informed of the ramifications of the actions and positions taken by politician's whose primary concern is re-election. I am still patiently awaiting the day when an elected official will say the RIGHT THING and not the RIGHT THING TO SAY.

1 comment:

  1. Arguably, what is happening in Wisconsin is actually the free-market exercising itself. What is a labor union except collective free market action just as a corporation is in the business context? If a corporation with is, as is the case in the U.S., treated as a regular person despite the vast resource disparity between a corporation and a human being then unions are the logical result to balance the equation. No?
