Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Corporate Income Tax and Job Creation

It never ceases to amaze me when people taunt the job creation effects of lower taxes. This argument assumes that businesses are seating on the side lines when there are profitable investment opportunities. It highlights the limited knowlegde of people who believe that businesses need incentives to undertake profitable projects. The whole idea is an oxymoron. Business do not need incentives to undertake profitable investments. They need incentives in the form of tax breaks and subsidies to undertake projects that they deem unprofitable. Thus, tax breaks are a misuse of public funds. The income generated by these subsidized investments do not justify the cost bourne by the taxpayers to create these jobs. It is a ballant transfer of wealth from the general public to the privilegded few, the corporate shareholders. The government should stay out of decisions involving private consumption. The same people who are opposed to univeral health care are the ones who a constantly asking governments to provide tax incentives for their business investments. This is double standard and it is wrong.

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