I am amazed that the TEA party movement have somehow managed to hijack the republican party under the guise of fiscal conservatism. I am a republican that refuses to buckle to the mania of the tea movement. It is a fad that will come to pass. The TEA movement reminds me of the Y2K mania that claimed the world was going to end when the clock strikes mid-nite on December 31, 1999. Well we are still here. The Y2K movement tried to get people to believe that year '00 on the chrIstain calender meant the world was going to end. They conveniently ignored that the rest of the world did not run on the christain calender. TheY turned a computer programming event into an end of the world as we know it hype. This is the tea movement for you.
Everyone is concerned about the growing government debt. No one wants to entertain the idea of increased taxes to pay for the massive increase in the size of government. Most importantly, no one seems to consider the effect of two foreign wars of choice on government spending. And no one wants to remember that the financial melt down was caused by the financial services deregulation movement. And watch out, another movement, tax enough already.
The Spending Reduction AcT of 2011 (H. R. 408) wants to cut federal spending by $2.5 Trillion over the next ten years, what a grand idea(nightmare) or should I say illusion. Will those fiscal conservatives please provide some indication of the effect of such a draconian spending cut on the role of government. Everyone who pushed for financial services reform and deregulation saw it as the majic wand that will unleash the American ingenuity and restore our competitive edge. Yes it did, we traded "mechanical engineering for financial engineering". WE traded funding for innovation in the goods and services for an organized gambling.
And for those pushing for the repeal of the "ObamaCare". The public will like to know how much the health insurance industry coughed up for their election campaign, then will we know who is actually calling for the repeal. I do not like the Obamacare. There are certain things that do not require a compromise. Either we have a universal healthcare with one single payer( disburser of healthcare funds to healthcare providers) or we have no government involvement AT ALL. There is no middle ground. Government should stay out of health care completely, let the market place take care of it. To the tea party fad, there is no heads you win and tails the other loses. You can not have government providing the services "that benefits you" while you decry those that do not directly benefit you. Stop the HYPOCRISY.
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