Friday, March 18, 2011

Government Entitlements: An Oxymoron

The budget fight is all about cutting entitlements which they estimate is crippling the US and leaving a mountain of debt to future generations. It is ironic that the largest entitlements are funded by s specific tax. Social security is funded by social security tax, and medicare by medicare tax. Entitlements are not the problem. The problem is politician using the funds generated or collected for the specific pupose of the programs as a  revenue source for a myraid of unfunded programs. The key word here is unfunded. Cutting of entitlements is a breach of contract. Seniors have paid the government throughout their working life for the RIGHT to receive the "ENTITLEMENTS". These are services that have been paid for and therefore must be delivered by the government.  It is an obligation, not a favor or an act of benevolence by the government.  Calling social security and medicare benefits as entitlements is an oxymoron. For the politicians who are contemplating renaging on these obligations, I have news for you, LAWSUIT. I have paid for these services and you must deliver or give me back my contributions plus punitive damages for a breach of contract. You cannot walk away when it is time to deliver the promised services!!!! 

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